Tuesday, March 28, 2017

House party

In today's blog post i wanted to talk about a new app that i think might be a big thing if they play their cards right. House party is a video chat app, well you might ask whats new? It allows for up to 12 members to be in the same chat room with all high quality audio and video. Why do i think it might be the new big thing? Well first of all i hear people talking about it all around, with good reason as it's a free reliable application that fills a purpose people actually need. Video chat is used everyday but it is still not as big as texting and phone calls and here is where i think house party comes in. Having a specified friend list, as soon as you go onto the app a notification is sent to all your friends that your in the chat room. Then your friends can join and one by one you can have a real group discussion going on. I am already noticing a ton of applications for this app as it sometimes tough to organize a large group of people and with the help of house party you can all be listening in at the same time and try and decide what your doing for dinner, or even discuss the upcoming party your throwing. I can also see it do well in the world of business as we all know that conference calls are a hassle and having a quick easy one two step with house party it really eases the whole experience. All in all i think this is a great product that will help shape our future if it continues on this path, and i can only imagine all the stuff they'll be able to add late on in it's lifecycle     

1 comment:

  1. I haven't heard of this app until reading your blog. It sounds interesting and I'll now have to watch to see if it really takes off! Can certainly help with group projects at school!
